Advanced Anti-Icing Liquids at West Milford, New Jersey Yard

Advanced anti-icing liquids

SnowWorX deploys its fleet of liquids trucks up to three days prior to a storm to treat our client’s properties with our advanced anti-icing liquids. This process helps the pavement to swiftly melt the first 0.5 to 1 inch of snowfall. Our team uses liquid anti-icing and de-icing solutions as they act rapidly, showing us quicker results.

Each season we keep 100,000 gallons of anti-ice liquid in storage containers that we place throughout our service areas in order to replenish our fleet when needed. On top of that, our team manufactures our own brine and is able to make 5,000 gallons an hour!

With our use of proper salt brine, magnesium chloride, and calcium chloride solutions, less chloride seeps into the ground by the end of the season, resulting in the environment sustaining less damage.


Our snowfighters care about the well-being of your property, which is why we only use treated salt products in order to prevent the deterioration of your infrastructure. By leveraging the power of treated ice melt we’ve reduced the amount of material being consumed by at least 50%. It also helps to reduce grass burnoff, which is damage to the pavement and concrete, resulting in your property experiencing less corrosion over time. SnowWorX’s use of treated ice products works well to prevent damage to our client’s properties and is significantly safer for the environment.

Snow Plow Trucks Spraying Treated Ice Products

Treated ice products